Setting Your Supplier Relationship Up for Success

It’s not what you know but who you know. Such words should ring true for catering professionals who understand the value of a strong network. From local venue managers to past clients in a position to refer business, there’s no denying the importance of a meaningful relationship. But of all the people in a caterer’s orbit, perhaps the most important connection is the supplier.

Your supplier influences every aspect of your business, from the timeliness of your deliveries to your company's profitability. A great provider who has your back can make life much easier — but an unreliable one can lead to busted profit margins and disappointed customers.

Needless to say, your supplier(s) should be at the top of the list when it comes to cultivating relationships with intention. If you’re looking to enhance the caterer-supplier bond (or you simply want to save some money), here are a few ways to invest in your connection and reap the benefits.

Claim ‘favorite customer’ status

Want to be the caterer that your supplier can’t wait to share new deals and inventory? Recognize your relationship as a two-way street, and be sure to give as much as you take. Every business owner appreciates a retainer client, so commit to regular purchases of your kitchen staples. Even better, consider agreeing to a minimum order amount in exchange for a set delivery schedule each week. And if you’re happy with the service, don’t be shy about referring fellow foodservice professionals to your supplier.

Establish a professional friendship

The best business connections blend work with a personal closeness, so treat your suppliers like more than just another service provider. Ask questions to get to know them better, and stay top-of-mind by engaging with them via email and social media. Add them to your holiday mailing list if you have one. It often takes only a few thoughtful touchpoints to make a lasting impression!

Embrace the practice of healthy negotiation

Many people view negotiation as contentious or even destructive to a relationship, but that simply isn’t the case. If anything, it can open up productive conversations about market pricing and lead to more trust between two educated industry professionals. Good suppliers want the best for their clients, so they will remain open-minded and ready to work toward a solution. Avoid accusations and, instead, approach them with kindness and curiosity to find a middle ground that meets both parties’ needs.

Cover your own bases

While it’s undoubtedly advantageous to form a neighborly connection with your supplier, don’t lose sight of your duty to your business. Ultimately, every business owner is responsible for their company. So keep your guard up and protect your interests by conducting market research and reviewing your invoices closely. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up — or if there are egregious wrongdoings, walk away and find another provider. After all, you can’t have a successful relationship with the wrong supplier.

As with any personal or professional relationship, treating others respectfully and supporting their interests is key to satisfying both sides. But if nurturing supplier relationships feels like one more thing on your already-overflowing plate, consider joining a GPO to leverage pre-established industry partnerships and skip the schmoozing. 

Clint Elkins is the V.P. of Sales for SB Value, a Group Purchasing Organization that helps culinary professionals save an average of 16% on every food order. Membership is 100% free. No hidden fees. No extra work. Just extra profits. See how much you can save on your next food order when you become an SB Value member. Request a quote today.

GPO Myths: Debunked

We hear a lot of wonderful feedback from our members about how a GPO membership transformed their businesses and gave back valuable time in their schedule. From increased flexibility to impressive profit margins, the benefits are undeniable.

But when talking to caterers, restaurant owners, and other food service providers, it is clear that there are some misunderstandings that hold industry professionals back from attaining the big results their competitors achieve.

In an effort to clear the air, let’s debunk a few GPO myths and set the record straight.

“I do not want to feel locked in by a GPO.”

If a GPO agreement includes obligations for what, when, and how much you purchase, stay clear and look for another one. Credible GPOs will never lock you into an agreement, ensuring business owners retain complete control over their companies’ purchasing decisions. With that said, members can participate in as many—or as few—supplier agreements as they want while continuing to work with existing partners.

“I am already getting great deals, so I do not need a GPO.”

While you may receive advantageous deals on your own, GPOs employ well-established networks to leverage greater discounts than any individual possibly could. When you consider the time saved from sourcing and negotiation, it’s a hard deal to beat. But don’t worry, GPO members are free to pick agreements and are never locked in — so you can retain existing discounts while taking advantage of others from the GPO.

“Switching suppliers is not worth my time.”

Saving money on regular food purchases is certainly worthwhile, but we have found many members are most pleased with the unexpected time returning to their schedules. A GPO’s streamlined procedures and member resources allow it to handle much of the heavy lifting, allowing companies to focus on their customers instead of their suppliers. So while the upfront transition may call for some creative solutions, most business owners agree that the time it takes to join a GPO is a long-term investment in efficiency.

“GPOs are just scams that want me to purchase more.”

This myth is so far from the truth, it’s almost laughable. GPOs do not exist to fill food distributors’ bank accounts with your hard-earned cash. Quite the opposite! While we partner with suppliers across the country, our job is to facilitate negotiations that prioritize your business’s needs and reduce overages. We know you do not always need to purchase in bulk, so the GPO model is designed to secure wholesale pricing for the end user without resulting in excess. Our philosophy: Less is, indeed, more!

While not often discussed, GPOs exist in many industries, from food service and manufacturing to healthcare and nonprofits. In fact, it’s likely that leading brands in your market leverage the purchasing power of a GPO to save time and money.

The model works for countless businesses with regular purchasing needs, and since it is free to join, there is no harm in trying it out to see if it is a fit for your company. Ready to start? Request a quote or get in touch with our team to begin enrollment.

Clint Elkins is the V.P. of Sales for SB Value, a Group Purchasing Organization that helps culinary professionals save an average of 16% on every food order. Membership is 100% free. No hidden fees. No extra work. Just extra profits. See how much you can save on your next food order when you become an SB Value member. Request a quote today.

The Road to Miami: Prepping for Catersource: How to Make the Most Out of Attending

The Road to Miami: Prepping for Catersource: How to Make the Most Out of Attending

As we gear up for Catersource 2019 in beautiful, historic New Orleans, we can’t help but to reflect on the reason for the (conference) season – continuing education, putting in the coveted face time with your partners, and making industry connections. For the catering industry, this is the must-see event of the year, and the benefits are immeasurable.

With any conference, it’s crucial that you take the time to prepare, whether that’s packing the essentials or simply doing your research on the featured exhibits.

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3 Key Ingredient Switches to Increase Your Bottom Line

3 Key Ingredient Switches to Increase Your Bottom Line

Many catering businesses are looking to cut costs to make up for lost business in 2020, so you’re not alone if you’re wondering how you can save money in the year ahead. Contrary to popular belief, though, you don’t need to overhaul your business structure to increase your bottom line. Instead, there are plenty of smaller changes you can make that will impact your profit margins in the long run.

One strategy that has helped caterers to trim the proverbial fat is to do a hard assessment of the ingredients that they source. In many cases, staple ingredients can be replaced with cost-effective alternatives that are softer on the budget without sacrificing any quality.

Here are three areas to consider for switching out ingredients while maintaining the top-notch quality that your clients expect.

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How to Choose the Right GPO for Your Catering Business

How to Choose the Right GPO for Your Catering Business

Joining a group purchasing organization (GPO) is a smart move for any caterer looking to cut costs without sacrificing the quality of inventory.

If you’re not familiar with GPOs, here’s a brief rundown of what they are and the benefits of membership. As its name describes, a group purchasing organization is a group of industry professionals that come together to increase buying power when making purchases. This concept isn’t specific to the catering and events industry — in fact, GPOs started out in healthcare before making their way to foodservice and hospitality among other industries.

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