Here's How Building a Strong Relationship with Your Supplier Can Save You Money

From venues to planners, catering professionals work with various partners to fulfill clients' needs. But perhaps the most critical relationship for a caterer is with their food supplier! Having a trusted vendor to supply high-quality ingredients allows you to serve excellent meals consistently.

But that’s not all. A reliable supplier can also help you increase profit margins by alerting you to special sales, seasonal deals, and cost-effective alternatives. Thus, it’s wise for any caterer or restaurant to nurture a strong connection with their food distributor(s). 

Establishing a mutually beneficial caterer-supplier partnership takes time and intention, as any relationship does. So, if you aim to develop a meaningful bond with your distributor, you must be ready to show up and do the work to support them.

Embrace negotiation

It’s common to consider negotiation akin to confrontation, but strategic bargaining does not have to lead to conflict. If anything, it can boost rapport by demonstrating that you each have one another’s best interests in mind. Compromise is healthy, and it levels the playing field for everyone involved. Review the market and compare prices before contacting your food provider to discuss your agreement. Most reputable suppliers will happily hear you out! If you find someone isn’t willing to work out a deal that is fair to both sides, it’s worth looking into alternative sourcing options.

Be a good customer

In the foodservice industry, we know our five-star patrons from our not-so-great patrons. On one side, you have clients who always pay on time, respect your professional integrity, and trust your expertise. On the other, there are those who miss invoices, show up late, and question everything you do. To your food supplier, you are a customer — so be a good one! Be responsive, pay your bills on time, and respect their business. Better yet, earn their appreciation by becoming a retainer client with recurring orders and sending referral business to them! Think about ways your creative partners have shown care and thoughtfulness, and turn them around to use with your distributors.

Treat them with kindness

A lot can be said about a positive professional relationship, but everything becomes more enjoyable when your network of business connections evolves into a network of friends. You might stand on different sides of the proverbial table, but that’s not to say you cannot cultivate a long-lasting bond that supersedes work. Show your supplier(s) you care by checking in with them throughout the year, sending them holiday mailers, and engaging with them on social media. As your friendship grows, ask personal questions about family, hobbies, and goals to deepen the ties further. You may even discover that you share a favorite pastime or visit the same vacation spot each year!

When you aim to impress customers with top-notch food and stellar service, it helps to have a trustworthy supplier in your corner. If you feel the relationship is fraught or one-sided, it might be time to seek a new provider that treats you with care and respect. After all, a strong relationship requires both parties to put in effort!

Clint Elkins is the V.P. of Sales forSB Value, a Group Purchasing Organization that helps culinary professionals save an average of 16% on every food order. Membership is 100% free. No hidden fees. No extra work. Just extra profits. See how much you can save on your next food order when you become an SB Value member.Request a quote today.