Seasonal Fall Menu Hacks

An image of a fall farmers market.

It’s hard to think about fall favorites when the summer is still going strong, but now is the time to start menu planning for upcoming autumn celebrations. And if you are planning on simply dusting off the old menu from last year, think again.

Navigating today’s market may feel more challenging than in most years, so this season calls for creativity and flexibility. Between supply chain blockages and ever-evolving culinary trends, your fall menu deserves a refresh — and we’re here to show you how.

As we head into the cooler months, let’s switch gears and start thinking seasonal with foods and flavors. We have touched on seasonality before, but in a year presenting caterers with countless challenges, it is more vital than ever to lean into seasonal fall ingredients as a way to save money, mitigate setbacks, and satisfy clients’ tastebuds.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you head to the menu drawing board.

Switch up old classics.

Updating your menu does not mean you have to retire crowd favorites! Instead, consider how you can freshen up your go-to fall recipes with new ingredients. For instance, perhaps swapping in pears for your highly-coveted apple betty will transform the dish and keep things interesting! The same goes for spices and herbs. A new flavor blend can make all the difference — just be sure to use warmer spices to capture the season!

Make the trends your own.

Culinary trends dictate market demands, but with an unreliable supply chain, expect shipping delays and shortages to create some speed bumps along the way. Be proactive by experimenting with alternatives! Switch out proteins (or play around with plant-based proteins), test out new spice mixes, or try a different preparation method. Have fun with it! Plus, it does not take long until the hottest trends become stale and overdone, so adding your own flare can add longevity to your menu. 

Cultivate your local supply network.

The best way to embrace seasonality is by sourcing ingredients locally! Where you live determines what is “in season,” so try to stick to the freshest seasonal foods available. In addition to peak freshness, sourcing local produce and meat will help you to avoid some of the obstacles associated with supply chain shortages. If you haven’t already, spend the rest of the summer establishing a local network of farmers and butchers. These connections will help you weather an unpredictable market, while also alerting you to potential savings and new inventory.

Let this fall be a season of innovation for your team! Create menus that challenge their creativity and allow them an opportunity for trial and error. Not only will you see increased morale (and enthusiasm), but you will also effectively safeguard your catering business against an unstable market without sacrificing the quality of your food.

Clint Elkins is the V.P. of Sales for SB Value, a Group Purchasing Organization that helps culinary professionals save an average of 16% on every food order. Membership is 100% free. No hidden fees. No extra work. Just extra profits. See how much you can save on your next food order when you become an SB Value member. Request a quote today.